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Beaks knock: International poppycock

The buzzword of the day in our University is internationalisation. Alli, though, sees the "internationality" happening in a world of its own. For example, why does TOAS try to segregate international students to Lapinkaari? How does this help in integrating them to the Finnish society or in enticing them, in the long term, to stay?

Alli supposes that the state of affairs is carefully planned. For with the dismal surroundings and whatnot, the policy is designed to instill Finnish core values into international students. Out-of-control boozing, disinterest in foreign culture and sticking to oneÂ’s own bunch: in this case, to other international students. This is what itÂ’s all about.

In the Student Union, Alli has seen a similar phenomenon rear its farcical head. Here the "international" side seems to take the form of Finns talking in semi-comprehensible English and looking extremely uneasy. The link to any international context seems far-fetched. Alli ponders, is this not merely indoctrination to the Finnish way of socialising?

Internationalisation is used as a smokescreen concealing the reproduction of being Finnish, it seems. Alli finds this business somewhat queer. But fear not, even if life seems a tad dreary in the Lapinkaari ghetto, for Alli knows: Enough kossu, and everyone sees, yet does not mind, that the internationalisation is pure twaddle. Cheers!

Alli Nokka

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Sivujen ulkoasu: Seppo Honkanen

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