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170 persons took part in TamyÂ’s celebration

TamyÂ’s 85th anniversary was celebrated 5 November. Approximately 180 admission cards were sold but since a few could not come, some 170 participants were there. During the formal dinner, the audience was entertained by Tampere University Singers, Torvikopla big band, Matti and Liisa Huhta and chanters Kaisa Myllylä and Teemu Suoniemi. The after party took place at the packed Yo-talo club with musician Olavi Uusivirta as the performer.

"You could tell that people enjoyed themselves", Suvi Tossavainen, the project secretary for the anniversary celebration says.


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Tampereen ylioppilaslehti Aviisi | Yliopistonkatu 60 A, 33100 Tampere | puh. 050-36 12 853
Sivujen ulkoasu: Seppo Honkanen

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